Tuesday 27 June 2017

A Triangle of Three Double-Indicators of Effective Teamwork

Do you think we need teamwork involving casual work in the workforce place?

Establishing A Triangle of Three Double-Indicators
Strong Teamwork Involving Casual work

Teamwork involving casual work is crucial in the 21-century workforce market. I strongly believe that to measure any formation of Teamwork, indicators are needed.

On this page, the performance of a strong teamwork refers to an effective teamwork involving casual work in all aspects of achieving business goals collaboratively. 
The strong teamwork involving casual work holds an extremely important role in any business and/or organization in the 21-century workforce market. The strong teamwork involving casual work can be identified through its indicators.

With a casual work view/perspective and a focus on business goals relating to the effective teamwork, this page establishes my triangle of strong-teamwork-indicators which encompass the three double-components of 
(3) communication and common goals.

An image of my Triangle of  Three Double-Indicators for strong Teamwork involving Casual work is displayed as below.

BusinessDictionary (2017). Teamwork. Retrieved 17/6/2017 from

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