Thursday 30 July 2015

Understanding the structural features of an ABSTRACT

Source: Adapted from
- John Bitchener (2010). Writing an applied linguistics thesis or dissertation: A guide to presenting empirical research. London, Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan
-Terri Morley-Warner (2010). Academic writing is….A guide to writing in a university context. Australia-University of Technology Sydney
For more understanding about the abstract
Source:-Adapted from Sumin Zhao (Spring 2015). Workshop week 1. Subject Theory and Practice of Literacy
Structural Features of an abstract
1-Setting up the context
2-Describing the content
3-Summarising the main findings
4-Presenting the main arguments
5-Recommendations for future research

An example is illustrated as below:

Useful links

Monday 13 July 2015

Learning and understanding about the Introduction and Conclusion of Writing

Learning and understanding about the Introduction and Conclusion of Report Writing

Source: Adapted from John Bitchener (2010). Writing an applied linguistics thesis or dissertation: A guide to presenting empirical research. London, Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan.

Friday 3 July 2015