Friday 1 July 2016

Fibonacci's Rabbit Problem

Fibonacci's Rabbit Problem
Task Part A - EEB 308 - Learning Teaching Adult Numeracy in VET @

How many pairs of rabbits will there be after a year, if it is assumed that every month each pair produces one new pair, which begins to bear two young two months after its own birth?



Where and how do I start in finding my solution for this task?

Let's set:

F0 = Month (0)   -->  starts with a baby rabbit pair
F1 = Month (1)   -->  continues with a 'breeding rabbit' / 'Youth' pair
F2 = Month (2)   -->  continues with an 'adult rabbit' pair

F(n) = Month (n)
Fibonacci’s [sequence] numbers occur from F3 ,  i.e  [Fibonacci] Month(3).  
Each subsequent number is the sum of the two preceding it.   

Applying the formula:  F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2)      where n= 3 to 12

By using Microsoft Excel 2013, and its relevant functions for calculating and drawing, the figures of pairs of rabbits for each month and the end of 12 months are visually and mathematically calculated, found and illustrated as below.

With a view for detailed understandings, now let's set:

                      adult pair = a      baby pair = b    youth pair = y

In visual details, the following image displays the ways of how the numbers of pairs of rabbits, at the end of each month and the end of 12 months, are found.

The information above shows that after a year, there will be 233 [89+89+55] pairs[i.e. 466] of rabbits including 89 adult pairs, 89 baby pairs, and 55 youth pairs.

This topic is also posted on
*my EEB308-Assignment Tasks Blog 

and more detailed information can be viewed @
*my google site Learning Teaching Adult Numeracy in VET

Useful & relevant links


Boundary Theory

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