Wednesday 4 October 2017

HSC Business Studies - Language of Operations

Key term: Higher School Certificate (HSC)

Language of Business Operations

It is believed, advised and affirmed that through language, people acknowledge about the world; and language is the heart of any learning processes (Derewanka & Jones, 2012). Therefore, in the context of learning and teaching HSC Business Studies focusing on Operations, understanding the language of business operations holds a crucial role that ensures and helps our students successfully reach their learning outcomes. 

The topic of Operations is one of the four key parts, [other three topics are Finance, Marketing, and Human Resources], set in the HSC Business Studies course offering as a selective subject for senior stage students [Year 11 and Year 12], in NSW high schools.

The following image provides an overview of a picture achieving the Language of Operations that the activities and/or actions are designed and implemented to thrive the mentioned course's requirements.

Interestingly, the recent information released on the NESA site shows that in 2016, Business Studies stands in the 4th position of the top 15 [HSC] subjects (NESA, 2016). Moreover, getting available data from that site, my research (2016) indicates that Business Studies is one of the top two popular subjects which had continuously been chosen by students for their Higher School Certificate, over the 10 years from 2005 to 2015. This result is delivering a message that teaching and learning language using for Business Studies, including Language of Operations, becomes vitally important in order to meet the demand of students' choice and their selective learning.


Derewianka, B. M. & Jones, P. T. (2012). Teaching language in context. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
NESA, 2016. Overview - Top 15 subjects. Retrieved on 4th October 2017 from

Link to my Top Two Popular Subjects by Students Choice in NSW High Schools from the past 10 years 2005-2015.

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