Friday 5 September 2014

Commerce Stage 5 - Option 6: Political Involvement - Pressure Groups

Year 10 Commerce - Pressure Groups

Leading questions:
1-What do we understand about Pressure Groups and Individuals?
2-What are their rights and responsibilities in the democratic process?

Today we will look at the role that pressure groups play in the democratic process and the role of the individual in the democratic process.

Where are we up to with this topic?

What do we understand about Pressure Groups?

What are pressure groups?
pressure group is an organised group that seeks to influence government (public) policy or protect or advance a particular cause or interest.

-a group that tries to influence public policy in the interest of a particular cause, such as "an environmental pressure group"

Pressure groups are sometimes referred to as interest groups or lobbies. 

Examples of pressure groups are as below.

Strategies of pressure groups

Link: my commerce lesson page 

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