Saturday 5 March 2016

The construction of a differentiation matrix - For differentiating the curriculum to meet the learning needs of a diverse learner individual


The construction of a differentiation matrix
Source: Adapted from Len Nixon – Business Studies Teaching Method 3- Autumn 2013 – UTS Handout - Week 2

HSC – Year 12
Business Studies  
1-role of financial management* 2-influences on financial management*3- process of financial management*4- financial management strategies
Multiple Intelligences and  Bloom Taxonomy
Lower Order – 15 Marks
Middle Order – 25 Marks
Higher Order – 45 Marks
Being able to describe business functions and processes in large and global businesses
Understanding of the importance of comparative ratio analysis in achieving and maintaining a competitive advantage
An ability to evaluate the findings and compare the risks involved in domestic and global financial transactions

Outline and define the financial objectives. Identify data from financial reports referred  to each objective
Outline and justify  the importance of financial ratios in running a large successful businesses
Synthesise aspects of business risks management and the impact on global financial management
A completed table of the summary of financial objectives
An essay 800 words
 A report 1500 words
Visual Spatial
To outline procedures of profitability management and its key points  connect to  achieving business’ financial objectives

To be able to explain the interdependence of financial management with the other key business functions and examine areas where conflict between stakeholders could occur.
To recognise, explain, and evaluates management strategies in response to changes in internal and external influences
Describe and clarify Cash flow and Working capital management
Construct a diagram showing interrelationships of financial management with the other key business functions with narrative details and examples
Create a visual presentation which addresses issues and Government and relevant policies affect/influence a business’s ability to effectively manage its financial decision making
Implement an Exam-time software or an inspiration Mind-maps
E-mind-map/Exam-time or any other  medium of visual presentation
Visual presentation / Preizi / Blog / Website 
Understanding of Financial risk, financial control, and debt and equity financing
To understand the influence of government and the global market on financial management in one large business
To be able to analyse the financial statements from the annual reports of large global businesses
Identify and outline the advantages and disadvantages of debt finance
Investigate the role of ASIC and its  influences to businesses
Critically evaluate aspects of business using hypothetical situations in examining key financial ratios
3 minute speech
5 minute speech
9 minute speech

You may like to visit my Google site of Teaching and Learning Business Studies [Secondary Education]

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