Saturday 3 August 2013

Artefacts for student-teachers

An artefact
Source: UTS Spring 2013. Tutor’s Handouts Week 1
An artefact is a tool that provides a starting point for teachers to critically on teaching practices and policies within a school context. It helps teachers to develop knowledge, competencies, talents and attributes that they believe should be represented in their professional portfolio.  An artefact should be approximately one A-4 page; it may consist of a description of a longer document (or be an extract from the document) that is provided as an appendix. Each artefact should be clearly labelled and distinguished from the commentary that follows it.
Suggested artefacts could include
Lesson plans
Student work sample
Parent letters
Assessment tasks
School Policy statement
        e.g. welfare, excursions
student teacher reports
journal / blog entries
Parent-teacher interviews
School staff/faculty meetings
Teacher-student discussion
Critical incidents
School assemblies
Other activities of school life
        e.g. school sport carnival


In teaching and learning, artifacts refer to specific assignments in specific courses that are used to demonstrate the student understands an important teaching standard (IOWA State University, 2013). In many cases, for the purpose of assessments, students are required to select artefacts, then to make commentaries on topics chosen.

You may like to read my What is the Artefact

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